Convert Excel data to JSON CSV and XML format

By default, Excel doesn’t provide any formula to convert a range or a table into a JSON (JavaScript Object Notation), CSV (Comma Separated Value) or to an XML (Extensible Markup Language) format. This article shows how to convert a range or a table into JSON, XML, or a CSV format.

Convert Excel data to JSON format

Once the code below is pasted to the VBA, one can use a formula ToJSON and convert a range to a JSON format. The second argument in the formula is optional. When this argument is set to false, the name part of the JSON will NOT be surrounded by a quote as shown in the image above.

Public Function ToJSON(table As Range, Optional quoted As Boolean = True) As String
    ' Make sure there are two columns in the range
    If table.Columns.count < 2 Then
        ToJSON = CVErr(xlErrNA)
        Exit Function
    End If

    Dim dataLoop, headerLoop As Long
    ' Get the first row of the range as a header range
    Dim headerRange As Range: Set headerRange = Range(table.Rows(1).address)
    ' We need to know how many columns are there
    Dim colCount As Long: colCount = headerRange.Columns.count
    Dim json As String: json = "["
    Dim quote As String: quote = """"
    If Not quoted Then quote = ""
    For dataLoop = 1 To table.Rows.count
        ' Skip the first row as it's been used as a header
        If dataLoop > 1 Then
            ' Start data row
            Dim rowJson As String: rowJson = "{"
            ' Loop through each column and combine with the header
            For headerLoop = 1 To colCount
                rowJson = rowJson & quote & headerRange.Value2(1, headerLoop) & quote & ":"
                rowJson = rowJson & """" & table.Value2(dataLoop, headerLoop) & """"
                rowJson = rowJson & ","
            Next headerLoop
            ' Strip out the last comma
            rowJson = Left(rowJson, Len(rowJson) - 1)
            ' End data row
            json = json & rowJson & "},"
        End If
    ' Strip out the last comma
    json = Left(json, Len(json) - 1)
    json = json & "]"
    ToJSON = json
End Function
Convert Excel data to XML format

Excel to XML
Converting to XML format is very similar to JSON format. Over the internet (client/server communication) XML format is losing ground however it is still used in web or other places.

Public Function ToXML(rng As Range, Optional dataRowName As String = "Data") As String
    ' Make sure there are two columns in the range
    If rng.Columns.count < 2 Then
        ToXML = CVErr(xlErrNA)
        Exit Function
    End If

    Dim dataLoop, headerLoop As Long
    ' Get the first row of the range as a header range
    Dim headerRange As Range: Set headerRange = Range(rng.Rows(1).address)
    ' We need to know how many columns are there
    Dim colCount As Long: colCount = headerRange.Columns.count
    Dim xml As String: xml = ""
    For dataLoop = 1 To rng.Rows.count
        ' Skip the first row as it's been used as a header
        If dataLoop > 1 Then
            ' Start data row
            Dim rowXml As String: rowXml = xml & "<" & dataRowName & ">"
            ' Loop through each column and combine with the header
            For headerLoop = 1 To colCount
                rowXml = rowXml & "<" & headerRange.Value2(1, headerLoop) & ">"
                rowXml = rowXml & CStr(rng.Value2(dataLoop, headerLoop))
                rowXml = rowXml & "</" & headerRange.Value2(1, headerLoop) & ">"
            Next headerLoop
            ' End data row
            xml = rowXml & " </" & dataRowName & " > "
        End If
    ToXML = xml
End Function
Convert Excel data to CSV format

Excel to CSV
CSV format is very common format used at so many places to transport data. Eventhough CSV stands for Comman Separated Value, there are lot of other character used to separate values. So in the formula below, one can specify the delimitter character. Also if the values need to be surrounded by a single quote, the second argument can be set to true.

Public Function ToCsv(valueRange As Range, Optional quoted As Boolean = False, Optional delemiter As String = "'") As String
    Dim sb As String: sb = ""
    Dim iRow, iCol As Integer
    ' index for loop is used to control the loop direcdtion
    ' with for each loop we will at mercy of application
    For iRow = 1 To valueRange.Rows.count
        For iCol = 1 To valueRange.Columns.count
            If quoted Then
                sb = sb & delemiter & "'" & valueRange.Value2(iRow, iCol) & "'"
                sb = sb & delemiter & valueRange.Value2(iRow, iCol)
        End If

    ' Strip the last delemeter out
    ToCsv = Right(sb, Len(sb) - 1)
End Function
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